The Process of a Code Enforcement Complaint

When residents believe that the Maryland Heights Municipal Code is being violated, they are able to file complaints with the City. What happens after you send in a complaint? In order to best illustrate how this process works, we have prepared an example that demonstrates the process from beginning to end.

This time of year, tall grass is a common complaint fielded by Code Enforcement. On most properties, the Municipal Code prohibits lawns to be in excess of 8 inches in height. Code Enforcement generally interprets this to mean the entire lawn is in excess of 8 inches in height, not just a small portion. When the violation is noticed, residents can then file a complaint. Complaints can be submitted via phone at 314-291-6550, or online at

Once this complaint is received, Community Development staff forward it to the appropriate Code Enforcement Officer for investigation. The Code Enforcement Officer visits the property and attempts to make contact with the resident. If no one is at home, the officer leaves a door hanger that explains the issue and requests action in a timely manner. If the home is clearly vacant, the officer attempts to reach the property owner through phone and/or mail.

If no contact is established within ten days, the Code Enforcement Officer contacts the Department of Public Works to schedule a mowing. Public Works is then dispatched to mow the property, typically within two days. Staff then sends the property owner a bill for the mowing. This is but one example of how we may address code violations as they arise.

The Municipal Code is a constantly changing document, and is updated twice annually to incorporate new ordinances as they are passed. These ordinances are continually uploaded to the City website after being approved by City Council. Residents can access the Municipal Code by the following link:

If you have any questions about the Municipal Code, or need to file a complaint, please email us at or call (314) 291-6550.