What to Know About Street Parking

Did you know that the majority of the residential streets in Maryland Heights have no restrictions regarding on-street parking? This can often result in vehicles parked on both sides of the street. Vehicles on both sides can lead to potential issues with emergency vehicles access, most specifically fire trucks. When parking on the street, please remember to leave space for emergency vehicles. 

Over the years, fire trucks have gotten larger in order to carry the various rescue/response tools and equipment. These longer vehicles require more space to navigate through and around parked cars. This is particularly true at curves and near street intersections. 

What can you do to help our fire districts? 
Avoid parking directly across the street from another vehicle, especially on curves. Park your cars in your driveway when that option is available. If you are going to have several guests at your house, ask that they park on one side to allow for potential emergency vehicle access. This might mean they have to park a few houses further away, but you and your neighbors’ safety is worth the walk. 

Being aware when parking on the street not only assists emergency vehicles but can also affect bus drivers, delivery trucks, trash trucks and snow plows. Keep the street clear and pass this information on to neighbors.